Saturday, January 24, 2009

when 'it' comes

it is the best thing that can happen to you. having it to talk to, to be with all day is a gift, something you got to create yourself. it doesn't come knocking like that, it comes with a want and need.

pray hard, think of someone you want badly. wish it out loud and it will come.

come on, pray hard! want that special something!

you will get to have it being there 24/7 for you, no matter what happens. isn it great?

its nice having its scent around you always, feeling its presence all the time.

oh no............

what are u thinking?!

are u having those thoughts??

are u??????????

dont misunderstand!

'it' is just the joy of having an imaginary friend.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

IT dumb

i feel so embarassed right now
it took me more than 30 mins to sign in my blog..... who does that except for me? really is embarassing.
first i forgot my password
then i forgot which account i used
later i couldn't find the link

pathetic blogger

Friday, January 9, 2009


waves are not hard to come by,

waves are essential in life,

it is hard to be with waves?


when u ride a wave,

u get to experience a whole of lot of emotions.

when u are happy and u know it, clap your hands,

when u are happy and u know it, stamp your feet.

when u are happy and u dont know it, u(wave rider) will go up and hit a peak.

when u are unhappy and u know it, u will slide down and hit the bottom.

(all the crap is making me bury my head in the sand.)


waves are soothing at the beach.

waves are the way sound, light, heat travel.

why bother when they do not affect you?

why care?

Thursday, January 8, 2009


there is always an answer to everything.
1 + 1 = 2
one girl+ one boy = one pair
half full+ half empty= a glass of water
me + food = fatty

the list justs goes on and on...

the answers to the six questions are as below. (duh... then as above ar?)

1. where do i read and study?
in the bedroom of course

2. what is the best time for me to read?
hmmm... when i m in the mood or during the afternoon and morning

3. how long do i normally study without a break?
i would say it depends. if its an exam period, one to two hours maybe?
if its just an ordinary day, ten minutes to an hour?
that is also if u count going to the toilet and grabbing a snack as a break.

4. what type of distractions bother me the most?

5. on average, how many different assignments do i work on in one evening?
at most 2. i dont like multitasking woth assignments, it makes me go haywire.

6. what type of rewards might work for me?
the promise of hot guys?
the lure of money?
maybe, i wont say no.

just the satisfaction will do, i guess.